Web Directories Tips Untuk Karir Anda: Taking the Perfect Shot - Tips to Get You Started

Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Taking the Perfect Shot - Tips to Get You Started

Author: Carl Gallant

Job Vacancy, Indonesia Job, Job Indonesia

A good picture is not defined by your camera (although to be fair, it does help) be it film or digital, expensive or disposable, your pictures final outcome is ultimately determined by YOU.
1. You choose which angle to shoot from.
2. What to keep in or out the shot.
3. What to frame or focus on.
It depends entirely on you. Do not misunderstand photography theory and camera know-how is important but the power to choose or decide a shots outcome is simply these three key basics. That is why it is essential to take many shots of one subject, in as many different angles and in as many different ways as possible in order to get THE shot.
You need to be as creative and as inventive as possible to make your shots interesting. Let us explore this further... in photography jargon, all three basics fall under one umbrella word called Composition. Under this umbrella the three basics can be broken up even further into different points.
-Keep the shot simple
-Create the right atmosphere
-Use the diagonals and curves of different subjects
-Remember normal is overrated
-Try to find natural frames
-Do not be scared to go to great heights or to get down in the dirt for the perfect shot
- Keep background simple for clarity or detailed for interest.
So, as you may have already perceived, taking a good shot is not the same as taking the perfect shot. Using these tips will set a strong foundation for developing the essentials for taking the "perfect shot".

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