Web Directories Tips Untuk Karir Anda: Learning How to Play Starcraft 2

Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

Learning How to Play Starcraft 2

Author: Michael Zadel

Job Vacancy, Indonesia Job, Job Indonesia

Guides are available online to teach you how to play Starcraft 2. You can get started as a Terran while learning Terran strategies to help you win the game. Starcraft 2 is a game of survival. You will need to learn the top strategies for diamond players to win. Opponents in the game include Zerg, Terran, and Protoss. These guys are highly aware of the best strategies to master their opponents. Terran is the guy who teaches players' strategies for success. He is always ready to win, so to master him you will need to learn your strategies by paying attention to Terran's methods.
To win, gamers must build order for each strategy to achieve the exact building order for any situation in the game. Protoss players tend to have loads of abilities in their arsenal weapons. They know how to use these abilities. Protoss can teach you every detail in the race to earn a Diamond rank.
In the game, you must build loads of first-tier combat units to win. Building your team quickly will get you murdered. Instead, you have to build your units slowly by choosing the best characters to help you win. You have to earn units by living longer to obtain them without losing the game, or your life. You need plenty of Zerglings, Zealots, and Marines. Rather than horde money in your bank account, spend it. If you earned 400 minerals then you are saving for a loss. Always keep your eyes on the opponents. Scout your opponents when you can. Send one of your SCV out on a mission to hunt them down. Randomly check on him. It is ok to sacrifice some of your build observers and overlords in the game, and use the comasts. This way you will know what to expect before your opponent murders you.
Try to avoid becoming a mass zealot and losing a mutalisk. When you begin to build your army, it is called Macro or Macromanagement. The key to winning is build skills at manipulating or maneuvering your team or army regardless how big your opponent is. Add more workers as you move through the game. Workers will offer you money, which money is needed to build your army.
Continue to build workers throughout the game. You can build more command centers in the game later to send your workers if you feel you have too many. Guides online teach you how to play Starcraft 2, so take time to find those guides to learn more.

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